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Friday, December 27, 2019

La Sorciere - Michelet, Nerval & Yan Kouton

Gerard de Nerval was another one of those incredibly talented 19th century French poets who have been such a resource for so many writers since. This morning I had a very nice surprise, the French poet and editor Yan Kouton published in Les cosaques sans frontiers a poem of mine written in French. I don't write too many in that language now, so this was a very nice surprise for me. Firstly that I should have been still able to write a poem worthy of publication in the language, and secondly that the poem's publication should provoke the following transversion on El Desdichado by Nerval. This is a famous poem, taken from Les Chimeres or Chimeras - which explains everything. I want to thank Yan for publishing my poem, see link below, and would like to dedicate this transversion, based very loosely on the original by Nerval to him. 


Transversion of a poem by Nerval

For Yan Kouton

I am in darkness, a widower, the inconsolable;
The Prince of Aquitaine in his ruined Tower
Whose sole star is dead, and whose luth now
Plays only melancholic dirges from a dark sun.

In the tomb of the night, you who would console me
Render to me rather the islands and the Sardinian Sea,
For they are the only consolation for this broken heart,
This trellis on which the bounteous rose still grows.

Am I Love or Phoebus? Lusignan… or Biron?
My memory is still corrupted with her virus,
Even while swimming in the grotto of the sirens.

Twice fjording the Archeron,
Jamming alongside Orpheus with his lyre,
                              All the sighs of the saints contained, and the cries of the damned.

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