For all the little So-Called Poets…!
Those fuckwits, halfwits, and assorted egomaniacs.
Pissing the words on the page, my urine reads and tastes better. Seriously!
Where did these idiots come from? Firstly, you just have to take one look at
their awful mugs. Physiognomy of the intellectually derelict. Look at these fat
fuckers! Asses so sunk into their lazy boys, Croc strapped, their feet.
Orthopaedic in their so called thinking, thinking on their feet. Infested with
fungus. Camembert..! Stilton, two week old Gorgonzola laying dormant in the
backpack, missing in action. Out on the fields for days, out with Martin Hayes,
Under the Moon, down at the slopes, slugging from the river, eating John
Where do these triple distilled eejits come from? What
cabbage patch in the doldrums? Shitting in their minds, the back ditches mind,
down in the boreens, no fucking Mauríns…! Hanging out in groups, that’s another
thing. Almost in uniform, uniform of mind – chlorofoamed – glasses to somehow
enhance the optics. Not pretty, in fact, utterly shitty. Shitty doesn’t even
half describe it. And such sycophants. Sycophancy as schooling. Doctorates
innit! All gowns and caps and balls, totally testiculed. Skewered seaward.
Bucolic bollocks. All herbs and roses. Not the cunting kind, too fleshy for it.
Too aromatic. Too sensual. No sex innit.
All the so- called poets of Blarney Castle and
environs. Piss on the stone and clap em’ in irons. Their shenanigans. All peace
and sweaty arses. Woke as fuck, their lightweight craniums with mere shit for
brains. I sit and shit in em’. Wet warm mulch to parallel their own rotten
thoughts. Mushroom addled; the tea sipping, quilt hugging, motherfucking
morons. Called a spade a maid. Chamber pots out the window. Land right on their
big glow. The fuckwits a plenty. Bright eyes and smiles… when did they ever think
that writing poetry was nice? Where in the name of Jesus did they get this idea
from? What a bunch of fraudulent shitwits.
Seriously! All ethics and morality… nicely nicely
nicely… Sweet cunts! Where did such addle brained fuckwits ever descend from?
Did they not read the Bible? The Old Testament, like! Even the New. Christ
chasing the cunts out of the Cathedral, kicking sandal loads of arse out of the
shisters…No, but they still come along with their cretinous smiles, so incest
laden to make you burn enough incense to clear your brain. Clear it from the
evidence of the shit stains. All Armitage Shanks in the cranium drains. Fuckwits
a plenty in the fool of ships. Oceans and oceans of em’, ladle and ladle them
over the plains. The plains of boredom falling with torrential rains.
Not Woke my little halfwits. Not Woke, my little shit for brains. Not Woke my little tulips. Not Woke, my little meandering trains....! NOT WOKE NOT WOKE NOT WOKE OVER AND OUT
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