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Sunday, February 23, 2025

German Elections, February 23rd, 2025.


Reflections on Woke, War and Multipolarity


In the following article, as its title suggests, I would like to put down some of my thoughts on the current war that is still ongoing in Ukraine and other closely related issues such as the culture war in the west, the so -called phenomenon of “Woke”, and the rise of what the realists would call as the transition from a unipolar moment, basically US hegemony since the collapse of the Soviet Republic which symbolically can be represented by the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989, and the end of US hegemony and the rise of multipolarity and which could be signalled by the Russian take-over of Crimea in 2014 and which was then totally consolidated by the Russians when Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine on multiple fronts in 2022. Now, as I write, the current PROTUS, Donald J. Trump, (2025) who has once again been elected is in the process, along with the billionaire Elon Musk, of dismantling the so called ‘deep state’; US bureaucratic institutions such as USAid, which have mainly been involved in the origins of the current war as one of the main reasons for the Russian takeover of Crimea was a response to US led interference originating in Maidan, Kiev, ( 2014) the so called “Revolution of Dignity”, when, with the help of US billions the democratically elected pro-Russian president Vicktor Yanukovych was ousted and the puppet pro-western government led by Volodymyr Zelenski ( 2019- present) took over and which, according to the Russians, is the main reason for the Russian ‘Special Military Operation.’ The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, as far back as 2008, ( Berlin), accused the west of NATO expansionism, which had been floated by the then US president George W. Bush to include Ukraine.

Now, the problem would seem to be doubly compounded by the fact that so called mainstream western media, which has largely been in the paybook of politically lobbying, something American governmental institutions in the past noticed about the war in Vietnam, without public support it was impossible to achieve military victory, an incredibly vast pro-NATO propaganda policy has played out in the west, and continues to do so, so that anyone who dissents, at least during the Biden-Harris administration, was seen largely to be a pro-Russian dissenter and subject to cancellation, one of the great hallmarks of the so called cultural revolution that was also taking place with the financial backing of NGOS and so called quangos whose financial backing was simply limitless. The extent and nature of which is only becoming apparent now with the daily revelations by Musk’s DOGE team, it is now becoming abundantly clear how USAid was behind so many ‘regime change’ operations such as most recently the events in Georgia and Romania and which were clearly being alluded to by the current Vice President of the USA, J.D. Vance, when he addressed European leaders for the first time in Munich, February, 2025, accusing them, not Russia, of being the ‘real enemies of Democracy’ referencing cancelled elections and censorship.

Such events are truly revolutionary. As a sign of just how revolutionary they are, the current bilateral talks that are being held by the Russians and the Americans in Riyadh in Saudi-Arabia, are the first talks, a diplomat made mention to,[1] which have taken place outside of Europe, and which is a sign of Europe’s declining influence on the world stage, which has, of course, infuriated the leaders the UK, France and Germany. Indeed, Keir Starmer and Emmanuel Macron, both highly unpopular leaders in their respective countries and Olaf Scholz in Germany, as I write elections are taking place in Germany and the AFD, a the so called ‘far right’ alternative party, have been doing extremely well in the polls and who could cause a massive upset[2].

Indeed, so critical are the current German elections, they are actually taking place this morning ( 23/02/2025) as I write, that for the first time in my adult life I can actually say, without any fear of error, that I believe that this is the first time in my life that I am taking an interest in German political elections, as the repercussions of what will happen if the AFD are elected will mean the possible eventual demise of the EU, as it is one of the clear mandates that Alice Weidel and the AFD are going to the German people with. “Bureaucracy as opposed to democracy,” this has been one of the great slogans of Elon Musk over the past few days, as he wielded a chain saw at C-Pac, which had been given to him as a present from the Argentinian ‘far -right’ president, Javier Milei.

Of course another crucial figure to mention in all of this is the Hungarian populist prime minister, Viktor Orbán, who has been campaigning tirelessly for peace much to the annoyance of Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, indeed when Orbán, in his role of  President of the Council of the European Union, went to Moscow to meet with the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, he was met with absolute condemnation in the entire western mainstream press, which only goes to show how much they were in the hands of the powers that be. Now that the Biden Harris administration, a hawkish neo-liberal administration that followed neo-con policies almost to the letter through mainly the guidance of former Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, former National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan and in particular former Spokesperson for the United States Department of State, Victoria Nuland who will be forever remembered for her “Fuck the Eu” comment in relation to the whole Project Ukraine.

Well, Nuland’s sentiment, apparently, has been totally realised as they now face the embarrassment of being totally sidelined while negotiations take place outside the continent of Europe on the fate of a mainly European issue but which has of course world wide repercussions. As an Irish citizen, and so a citizen of Europe, I have been watching the events since February 22nd, almost three years to a day, with, as I say, a very keen eye on what will be taking place in Germany today as the effects, whatever the outcome may be, will have massive repercussions. On the one hand, if the current status quo is re-elected, what could the future bring, a possible prolongation of the Russian Ukrainian war with EU troops getting involved! This is a very real possibility and without US backing, Starmer in the UK is already talking about British troops on the ground and he is still guaranteeing Zelensky of NATO backing which US Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, has utterly rejected as the Russians conducted their whole ‘Special Military Operation’ in order to prevent such a thing form happening.

A final word on EU so called policy. It seems to me that the current situation of European leaders what could be described as a product of the whole ‘Woke’ phenomenon, that is to say entirely based on completely subjective notions of what in fact ‘Reality’ is, in other words ideological brainwashing, subjugated to some kind of unrealistic idealistic dream, rather than for realpolitik, that is to say, facing up to reality and what realist historians like John Mearsheimer would describe as ‘Spheres of Influence’. We all know that if the Russians had tried a similar stunt that the Americans instigated in Kiev in 2014, say in Mexico City, there would most certainly have been an American ‘Special Military Operation’ very similar to what has now tragically been going on in Ukraine for the last three years. My final assessment, I only hope that the whole Eu experiment, that started really in earnest with the introduction of the Euro on 1/01/1999, will come to an end soon and that Elon Musk, will do the same job that he is doing on the former US bureaucratic system to the current disaster in Brussels as a continuation of the current EU regime, as deeply corrupt and blind sighted, is simply unthinkable.               

[1] Most of the information that I have gathered together here is coming from a network of independent sources which I have found on non-traditional media outlets and in particular YouTube. Please see the bibliography that I will attach at the end of this article for a comprehensive list of my main sources.

[2] Alice Weidel, the Alternative for Germany leader, and Chancellor candidate, in a recent interview for Bloomberg, see link below, on multiple occasions interrupts the interviewer when he labels AFD as a ‘far right’ party, by emphasising, as a former employee of Goldman Sachs, she is, rather, a ‘sensible conservative’ echoing Donald Trump’s ‘common sense’ approach to public policies, and particular when they are talking about energy, immigration and identity politics.


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