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Saturday, June 13, 2020

Hammer Klavier - Poem from Merrion Square published in A New Ulster, Issue 71, August 2018.

I wrote the poem Hammer-Klavier over two years ago now, as part of a loosely connected poem sequence in my book Merrion Square - unpublished. I find myself inserting it into a proper home now in a new work that I am currently involved in. The new book is called The Eroica Variations. I have been rather obsessed with this piece of music, since first discovering it in the discotheque - proper- in Versailles, of all places, some time back in the early nineties when I was living there. 

Variations, in general, interest me greatly. As a Teacher of English to Students of Other Languages, I am always getting students to consider differing variants on how you could say something, in order to promote fluency. This crosses over then into classical music, and Jazz, where you can see musicians and composers playing around with variations of melodies and themes. The above recording by Alfred Brendel was my first introduction to the Eroica Variations of Ludwig Van Beethoven, and all subsequent recordings of this piece of music I invariably compare it to.

Now, I need to grapple with Cantor and set theory.

Here's the link to ANU.

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