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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Le Flacon par Baudelaire - and my transversion into English; The Gleaning, a new sonnet, both appearing in Ragged Lion

The wonderful Edwin Sellers who edits and prints the poetry journal Ragged Lion has included Baudelaire's poem Le Flacon with my transversion into English. The journal comes out tomorrow,
20th May, 2020. There is also a translation of a poem by Nerval and Cocteau by R J Dent who translated a text by Bataille in the previous issue. There is a piece on the Marquise de Sade and the Gothic novel by Maurice Heine, again translated by Dent. So, I am in with good company. 

I also have a recent sonnet included The Gleaning. Its taken from April is the Cruelest Month, the collection I am currently engaged on. Personally, I think its one of the best sonnets I've written this year. Certainly worth 6 Euros, on its own. My old friend Antonia Alexandra Klimenko also has a poem in here, so another reason to get yourself a copy. 

Ragged Lion is that rarest of beasts, these days; a literary review which actually has a bit of personality, a bit of soul. 

If you would like to get yourself a copy, click
on the link below.

Here is a short film of me reading Le Flacon /The Flask by Charles Baudelaire. This is for Sandy Yannone and Elizabeth Ann of Cultivating Voices.


  1. Dear poison prepared by the angels like liqueur , I like your transversion very much. It gives the reader an inkling of the insidious feelings of tenderness and violence, of the abject and the divine rooted in us humans.

  2. Many thanks, this is but Baudelaire’s genius. I am but his humble servant.
