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Saturday, November 16, 2019

"Proust's creatures,"

Excited by the continuing possibilities my research into Comment c'est /How It Is are throwing up. I have been reading Proust again, commuting to and from work on the train during the week affords me the time, and a number of quotations from both Albertine disparue, and A l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs made me think back to Cc/HII.

These ideas became more clarified in a discussion with a student of mine in the National Gallery yesterday, he has a PHD in Entomology- the study of insects. This evokes the very Socratic idea of logos, and the importance of discussion. For, sometimes by speaking our thoughts aloud it helps us to clarify what we mean...Anyway, by discussing some of the theories which my research has thrown up, (almost said 'my' theories (!) ) it helped me to clarify the direction where some of the ideas were going, and which involve the Estonian biophilosopher Jakob von Uexkull and his ideas on Umwelt. There have been a number of correspondences already between the Anglo-Irish playwright and novelist and the Estonian, most notably with the French choreographer Maguy Marin - see short clip on the link below.

All this preamble to also signal a series of poems taken from an old collection of mine, unpublished, The Gombeen appear in this month's bumper edition, in two volumes, of Live Encounters Poetry. See my poems under the title Ballybaa, which is a reference to Beckett's wonderful first novel in French Molloy - this book, by the way, is the one which convinced me I had to 'become' a writer.

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